A Day at Beach Break Surf Camp in Playa Venao

October 11, 2021

It's a beautiful day in Playa Venao. The sky is blue, the waves are rolling in, and you can't beat the view of palm trees lining the coastline. You're excited to spend your vacation on this beach break surf camp! 

Let’s walk you through a day at Beach Break Surf Camp so you can get excited for your trip.

8:00 a.m. Arrive & check-in

You roll up to the beach in your private shuttle, which picked you up according to your flight schedule. Hopping out, you immediately breathe in the crisp smell of the ocean.

It’s another beautiful, peaceful day at Playa Venao and you’re happy to be here.

You check in at the registration desk. Our friendly staff will welcome you, providing your room keys and a quick overview on amenities, activities, and any upcoming fitness classes or social events.

You drop your bags off in your room and peer around for a quick look. It’s bright, clean, and comfortable, with a coastal minimalist vibe.

8:30 a.m. Beachfront breakfast

You head to the Gavilan, the hotel’s beachfront restaurant, for breakfast. It sits right on the beach, offering front-row views to the day’s waves. 

Since you booked a surf camp package, your breakfast is included every day. Today, it’s a classic plate of “shakshuka!  This Mediterranean dish has eggs poached in delicious tomato sauce, grateful for the day (or to shake off a few too many cervezas the night before!).

As you enjoy your breakfast, you watch surfers paddling out to the line-up. You take note of the waves– the size, speed, where they’re breaking. You check your watch– your first surf lesson starts soon, and you can’t wait.

9:15 a.m. Check out the fitness center

You have some time to kill before your surf sesh, so you stroll across the grass to the beachfront fitness center. It’s modern, spacious, and beautiful.

A martial arts class is in session, and you watch for a few minutes as the class practices something called Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. You check the week’s schedule of classes and make a mental note to come back for sound healing this evening.

10:00 a.m. Surf!

It’s time for your surf lesson! You’ve surfed a few times before, but it’s been awhile and you could use some expert guidance. Besides, the surf camp packages are so reasonable, it just made sense.

You went with a surf camp package that included transportation from the airport, accommodation and daily breakfast, surf coaching, unlimited surfboard rentals, and surf photography and video analysis. You were able to customize your package to include exactly what you wanted, which you appreciated when booking your trip.

Today, you’re joining a small group session to brush up on the basics and maybe make some new friends. Our classes are never more than 3 students to every 1 instructor and are tailored to your ability level.. 

The surf session goes great. You’re a little rusty, but after a few spills you were able to get up and even catch a few waves on your own. Having the instructor nearby was a huge help– simply knowing when and where to drop into the wave makes a big difference.

You end up connecting with a few people in your class. They’re from all over– Argentina, France, and even a city not so far from your hometown. You make plans to have drinks that night at the beachfront restaurant and bar. 

Surf session over, you climb out the water exhausted and satisfied. You rinse yourself and your board off on the beach and plop it down in the shade while you head to get some grub.

1:00 p.m. Lunch on the beach

Playa Venao has an emerging “foodie” scene with both international and traditional dishes. There are sit-down, nicer restaurants displaying the top local culinary talent, “La Hummeseria” specializing in, you guessed it, hummus, and our local “dive bar” on the beach “La Barca” offering great snacks and cold drinks.

Everything is close and walking distance to Beach Break so it’s easy to explore the options around you.  Or, just chill and enjoy another meal at Pizza Gavilan, our beachfront restaurant offering breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We even offer all-Inclusive meal packages if you’d like to make your stay as easy and effortless as possible.

3:00 p.m. Hammock time

Your group heads for the pool, but you’re ready for a bit of quiet time so you grab a hammock and pull out a good book. You read as your hammock sways in the ocean breeze, nodding off for a bit as the sun and salt sink in. 

When you wake up, it’s nearly time for your yoga class. Famished, you grab a healthy juice smoothie from the hotel restaurant.

7:00 p.m. Dinner and drinks

You head to your room to shower and get ready for dinner. You’re meeting the group at Beach Break’s pizza restaurant, before possibly exploring Playa Venao for more drinks. 

Dinner is a blast, with great pizza, service, and vibes. Your group starts chatting with a few others and everyone ends up co-mingling. It’s a really friendly, social vibe here.

As the night goes on, you all decide to walk down the beach to check out a neighboring beach bar. You make a mental note to not stay out too late– your next surf lesson is tomorrow!

Have your own ideal day at Beach Break Surf Camp

Sound like a pretty good day to you? Book your own ideal surf vacation at Beach Break Surf Camp. Browse our surf camp packages, or contact us to create your own!

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